Lisa Reynolds, MD, Rep-Elect Oregon HD36
Measures announced 11/13/20, to take effect 11/18/20

Measures enacted by Governor Brown/OHA to slow spread of COVID
Why: Rapid rise in cases, hospitals reaching capacity
What: Partial lockdown to go into effect Wed 11/18/20 for two weeks (4 weeks for Multnomah county which is seeing highest case rates).
Closure of gyms, museums, pools, entertainment venues, zoos, gardens
Restaurants and bars: Take out only
Groceries/retailers: reduce to 75% capacity; encourage curbside pickup
Social Gatherings need to be < 6 people (and two families or fewer); now being enforced (misdemeanor). This has significant implications for Thanksgiving.
Religious gatherings <26 people indoors, <51 outdoors
Work from home whenever possible
Care Facilities: No indoor visits
(Along with CA and WA): eliminate non-essential travel, travellers quarantine 14 days upon arrival to Oregon.
Schools and daycares that are open will remain so.